Whiffle Wind

With the Whiffle Wind web app, you can now run your own LES simulations for your wind farm or site, with just a few simple clicks. Leverage highly accurate wind data that analyzes complex wind flow dynamics such as wakes, turbulence, and blockage and optimize your wind resource and energy yield modelling.

The world's best LES-powered weather model is now accessible via a user-friendly web application

The Whiffle Wind web application is an online tool designed for accurate wind resource and yield modelling. Suitable for analyses at various stages of project development, Whiffle Wind integrates Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) technology with an intuitive web interface to deliver fast results. Whiffle Wind accurately captures phenomena such as turbulence, wakes, and blockage, at resolutions of 100m or finer. This precision is crucial for any wind farm project, ensuring they are not only financially viable but also optimized for maximum performance potential. 

How it works

Conduct LES simulations for your wind farm or site with just a few clicks. Depending on project size, results are delivered within 1 to 5 days.

Step 1: Provide

Input met mast details, turbine type, site layout and desired simulation period

Step 2: Submit

Review the output settings, the simulation setup and price, then submit for processing

Step 3: Retrieve

Explore the results dashboard with wind statistics, time series data, simulation videos and more


What's new?

The Whiffle API Client is a Python library for setting up LES simulations and analyzing data outputs from Whiffle Wind. It includes a:

  • Simulation Notebook: Add turbines and met masts, specify outputs, and start simulations.
  • Data Analytics Notebook: Calculate aerodynamic losses and more. Continuously expanding with new features.
  • Choose up to 6 heights for your WRG outputs
  • Add up to 3 heights for wind Fields outputs
  • Obtain 10-minute time series for all met masts at unlimited user-specified heights
  • Obtain 10-minute time series for all turbine locations at hub height

Benefit from robust output capabilities

Unlock advanced visualization tools

Video feature: With every simulation you run, a detailed video of the LES domain will automatically be produced, covering the entire time period of the simulation – no extra steps required. The videos aren’t just eye-catching; they showcase the true capabilities of our digital twin technology, providing an accurate depiction of the actual weather at your specific site.


Are wakes and global blockage effects included?

Yes. LES physically models the phenomena of wind, pressure and atmospheric stability and their interaction with wind turbine-induced wake and blockage effects. Therefore, we don’t have to rely on non-physical/empirical correction factors for example blockage effects and deep-array effects

If external wind farms are not included in the simulation, then neither will their effects on the target wind farm be included. However, if external wind farms are added to the simulation, then their effects on the target wind farm will be modelled and included. If you wish to have additional analysis of external effects, you may want to consider making use of Whiffle’s Consulting service. For more information, feel free to send an email to info@whiffle.nl. 

Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is a model for turbulence and is gaining increased attention in the wind energy sector. The benefits of LES to model the wake and global blockage effects of wind farms lie in the fact it can model the interaction between wind farms and the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). A recent overview on various aspects of the atmospheric flow through wind farms is presented in Stevens and Meneveau’s 2017 paper: Flow Structure and Turbulence in Wind Farms, volume 49.

Long term correction aims to correct the estimated AEP from a Whiffle Wind simulation to be representative of the AEP of a longer period, usually 10 or 15 years. This correction is performed by learning the statistical relationship between the wind farm power predicted by the LES and ERA5 wind speed on the LES period. This relationship is then applied to a long term period of 10-15 years of ERA5 wind speed data. This gives an estimate of the mean power that would be predicted by a 10-15 year LES run.

For more information on the long term correction method, please refer to the Long term correction advanced topic page. A paper about the implementation and validation of the long term correction implemented in Whiffle Wind will soon be available here!

It’s not possible to perform this directly within Whiffle Wind. However, our consulting service can certainly perform this for you. You can contact Whiffle Consulting via info@whiffle.nl. 

Yes, but not through Whiffle Wind. We have a separate forecast service that can provide wind and solar power forecasts, wind speed forecasts, and any number of other meteorological forecasts you may be interested in. See our forecasting service for more information here.

Using SCADA data of wind farms, it is possible to make ex-post assessments of Annual Energy Production (AEP) predictions. Based on a small (N ≤ 10) sample of wind farms that Whiffle has modelled, we estimate the mean error of AEP predictions are around 2% (Whiffle’s model tends to underpredict AEP) with a standard deviation of 4%. These numbers are based on raw output from Whiffle Wind without any long-term correction or correction of mean wind speed biases. Therefore, this number represents not only errors in aerodynamic losses, but also errors in the mean wind speed.

The default resolution of our LES is 100 m x 100 m in the horizontal plane, 25 m vertically close to the ground. Our LES has been extensively validated on a wide range of sites (onshore, offshore, complex terrain) and wind farms for this resolution and provides the best trade-off between cost and accuracy.

If you require other resolutions, please consider Whiffle’s Consultancy service which can be contacted via info@whiffle.nl.

To bridge the gap between ERA5’s 30 km resolution and our 100 m resolution LES, an in-house, GPU-resident meso-scale model is run concurrently to generate the boundary conditions for our LES on the fly. This model is run on a typical meso-scale resolution of 2 km and on a domain of a few hundred kilometers depending on the size of the LES domain.

The rectangle drawn on the map within Whiffle Wind represents the LES domain. The LES domain is then nested within the larger mesoscale domain.

Yes! For instructions see our Getting Started, Running a Simulation guide here.

Yes! For instructions see our Getting Started, Adding a Custom Turbine guide here.

The cost is based upon the domain size and duration of the simulation. To get a general idea of costs:

A 12.8 km x 12.8 km one day simulation will cost around 6 Euro. A 12.8 km x 12.8 km full year simulation will cost around 2000 Euro.

A 51.2 km x 51.2 km one day simulation will cost around 21 Euro. A 51.2 km x 51.2 km full year simulation will cost around 7700 Euro.

Exact costs are shown prior to submitting a run; therefore, you will always know the cost up front.

Currently a 90 km x 90 km domain is the largest. However, we’re working hard to make this even larger! If you need a larger domain, certainly feel free to contact Whiffle’s Consulting service via info@whiffle.nl.

This depends on the domain size and length of the simulation, as well as how many other simulations have been requested and are in the queue. As a rough guideline, generally a one-day simulation should be available the next day or sooner, and generally a full year simulation should be available the next week or sooner.

Whiffle acknowledges the nature and sensitivity of customer data and is dedicated to safeguarding its privacy through the adoption of contemporary security practices in the Whiffle Wind solution. As part of this commitment, we are currently undergoing the certification process for ISO 27001 and incorporating the NIST Cybersecurity Framework.

If you need more information on how your data will be processed in Whiffle Wind, please contact us at info@whiffle.nl.

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